CRAK has been creating graffiti since 2015. Other than writing political slogans, which is a common practice in Kashmir, CRAK chose its own way to express itself. With its main focus on the prevailing conflict and uncertain situation in Kashmir CRAK courageously created some serious graffiti in the streets of Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir. In places like Kashmir, riddled by conflict, people especially youth are vulnerable to take extreme steps either taking up arms or attempting suicide. In such a situation CRAK chose paint and brush to express itself and to convey the core issues which haunt Kashmiris. CRAK prefers graffiti over traditional studio painting and renounced gallery system as graffiti speaks to the general public, regardless of any social, political or educational background.


Graffiti has its advantages as well as disadvantages; on the one hand it directly deals with general public and enjoys the freedom of subject matter (as most graffiti artists are anonymous), and on the other hand graffiti artists always risk getting caught while doing graffiti in conflict areas where killing a person is a norm. Artists doing graffiti in such places need to be very selective in terms of space they are working on and finish their piece as quickly as possible. CRAK is the first graffiti group of Kashmir which is filling streets with artwork that has noteworthy subject matter.

His Prominent Work