Kashmir Art Exhibition

In the recent past Kashmir has been in news due to the ongoing political turmoil, lockdowns and internet shutdowns. When the freedom of speech and expression remains gagged across the region, there is little space left for the artists and journalists to exercise their right and shine a light upon the issues which remain in dark. The NUQTA is creating a platform for such individuals to amplify Kashmir story on a global level using art as a means and storytelling as a tool. Germany with its unique history and a thriving democracy is the best space for such conversations and dialogue. Given the fact, Germany is on forefront to highlight subjugation of people and express solidarity with dozens of international rights campaigns – Kashmir has to become a part of such solidarity.



gives us inspiration in our attempt to create an event that is educational and provides cultural mediation for the people of Kashmir. This is an exhibition and symposium held at three locations in different countries over the span of two weeks and will include professionals and artists.



For the exhibition we take inspiration from the poetry of Abul Khayr, one of the great mystical persian poet (967 – 1049):
باز از آ باز آ هرآنچه هستی باز آ 
گر کافر و گبر و بت‌پرستی باز آ
این درگه ما درگه نومیدی نیست
صد بار اگر توبه شکستی باز آ
These verses encourage hope in the face of adversity and hold out a promise for humanity from various backgrounds, ideas and concepts to come together for a common goal.
We envisage connecting visual artists, performing artists, poets, musicians and journalists from Kashmir as well as other countries and backgrounds, who share common ideas and concepts, so as to come together with themes that are common amongst their means of expression.
Abul Khayr
These verses encourage hope in the face of adversity and hold out a promise for humanity from various backgrounds, ideas and concepts to come together for a common goal. We envisage connecting visual artists, performing artists, poets, musicians and journalists from Kashmir as well as other countries and backgrounds, who share common ideas and concepts, so as to come together with themes that are common amongst their means of expression.

The نقطہ Partners

The Event Venue

Der mom art space ist ein freier Ausstellungsort für Kunst, Sound- und Videoarbeiten und Performance Art

Der im Erdgeschoss der Fabrique gelegene, helle Raum mit seinen ca. 100 qm ähnelt einem White Cube und bietet Platz für raumgreifende Installationen sowie klassische Hängungen.

Hier finden auch neue, sperrige und experimentelle Impulse, die andernorts in Hamburg keinen Anlaufpunkt haben, ihren Raum: Die Galerie fördert interdisziplinäre und internationale Projekte vor allem von nicht etablierten oder NachwuchskünstlerInnen, die in Hamburg sonst keine Sichtbarkeit haben.

Der Kunstraum wird von einem KuratorInnen-Kollektiv betrieben und gehört dem Verein Gängeviertel e.V. an.

The نقطہ Team

Sarah Ewald

Sarah trained as a film editor and in social anthropology, she has spent some summers and winters in the Kashmir valley during the last years. She will support in coordinating this event, the setting up of the exhibition spaces and is networking with some of the collaborating artists and institutions

Ehtesham Khan

He is a vocalist and musician. He works for GEO, a local tv channel. For this event he will be responsible for video/audio editing and media assistance.

Husain Kazmi

He is an ophthalmologist by profession. His interests include calligraphy and creative writing. He is participating in this event as a volunteer for its content writing.

Ajmal Hussain

He is a graphic designer, illustrator, creative writer, film scholar, filmmaker, and teacher. He is creating the designs and layouts for the promotion of this event, including this brochure.