Saqib Butt

This performance examines how surveillance, essentially a practice of social  intervention, becomes a channel in inducing violence, trauma, hardship  and socio-economic suffering which causes individuals to adjust their behaviour and routines to save themselves from harassment. In this piece, the set up is such that the performers, placed at the entrance,  frisk viewers who enter the gallery. The performers will be dressed in casual  ensembles so that they are not distinguished by their appearance.

His Work

This piece of performance is a 6-hour long performance that examines the  bond between body, time, memory, and objects. The piece is performed at  night along with sheepskin and two clocks, where the intimacy and relation  between the time frames talk about the absurdity of the perception of time  when understood from the perspective of memory.

These works are in collaboration and interventions in public spaces with  Live Art Practice-LAP, where artistic inquiry into performance seeks to understand the epistemological engagement of processes, legitimization of alternative  amative, sabotage of performance practices, documentation, individual and collaborative actions in public and indoor spaces. These performances have been  done in Barakhamba monument, Jamia Millia Islamia, Shaheen Bagh, Malcha  Mahal and Morni Hills.

His Prominent Work